Before my Parkinson's diagnosis, I was also much (and fast) go on the Fahrrrad. The relatively fast onset of difficulty walking (small steps only slowly), and above all balance disorders that can not informaierte passers help thinking, there is a drunk on the way (if I even venture a few steps without a walker) made me afraid the bike parked in the garage . A quality of life less.
I in the hospitals and in rehab and in the outpatient physical therapy but always coped well with the exercise bike, then I have yet ventured: Yesterday with ideal cycling weather, I got back on the bike ...
and I am NOT hung esch were long (Proof: see photo top right).
Ichg to ebe: I had a Mordsbammel.Wer me on my merry walker-Stolperei together with no alcohol and staggering from experience, it knows why. And added: The on and off is not without, one leg is no longer time my thing - but at least I can not give me while holding the bike.
age of five in the fast lane
And of performance or even high-performance sports or testing / Überschreiten.von limits can be no question, has nevertheless overtaken us not a jogger, but as a Jan Ullrich came I also not necessarily before - as a five-year Kid on his child's bike along with his grandparents was passing merrily ringing us ..
But it was just an incredible sense of achievement: Cozy biking (even if now and then wobbled a bit) I came forward right. I was also very reasonable and have listened to my body, unlike in the hospital and in rehab (on the ergometer), I have not exactly played the strong man. Nööö. Comfort and pure joy of moving and proceeding without any (homemade) pressure to perform has given me a feeling of pleasure has been for a long time.
The discovery of the fast paced leisurely
including And of course the breaks. Coffee is always on the man (without doping there is in fact not) and with three interruptions, we have managed to be about 12 kilometers.
The soreness this morning I gladly accept it - and who knows, perhaps I've even small ones a nice sunburn.
So - and now we think, if I am not an old-women's bike with very low access along spare.
But one thing I will not make the newly acquired enhanced mobility for sure: a performance or even competitive sport.
I think it is rather with the gray goose flock we met on the way: Do not bring calm.
Norbert Maas
report in chronic live blog
nobs' column on "Parkihelden - why?"