Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gay Cruise Spots 95 Maryland

bug on Silkroadonline

There have already complained a few people over a certain bug when
"Capture the Flag event." Namely the one when the time is still stuck in the event area. The run Pain happens when one inserts the flag in the last second.

Pain: ...
when the flag is placed in the last seconds on the Flagpole ...

The first who should have noticed, the people of Rev6 here the original text:
We were just playing a simple game of ctf. No problem, normal mobs and flags and stuff.
At the end of the timer, we were stuck there, no one got tele'd back to town. We couldn't even res ourselves (We were the losing team). Some people ressed me but killed me, I noticed I lost exp. My friend was ressed and killed someone, noticed she got pk status. So she was a murderer and I lost about 10% xp in the stupid game lol.
Word to the wise, when the time ends, and your stuck, DONT kill.
Quelle: Rev6.com
Die ist die Warnung für alles die das normale SRO noch benutzten und "Capture the Flag Event" spielen.


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