What has happened in the real estate sector?
Unfortunately, we are in the last days and weeks not had time to keep you informed about news in real estate up to date.
Therefore, there are now in a compressed form, a summary:
- iMakler for insolvency: http://www.immobilienportale.com/20102459-imakler-stellt-insolvenzantrag/ # comments
- Interview with the founder of a similar Services in Austria: http://derstandard.at/1271375329783/Fixpreis-Makler-Steffens-Klage-brachte-viel-Aerger-und-finanziellen-Schaden
- Study on the housing situation in Austria: http://derstandard.at/1271376119073/Studie-zur-Wohnsituation-Land-der-Haeuser-wohnflaechenreich
- News of the Hausverlosern: http://www. hausverlosungen.biz /
So, that's about it in a short time, summarized form!
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