Again, what made "Hasos Romans 7"
Like a climber feels Mister "I" but not exactly. More like a relegated team. Includes his statistics do not defeat to defeat? Did he not constant proof of his inability to remember? "What I want, I do not." Like many of his intentions have already failed. "What I hate, I do." He does not want to be envious or bitter, but certain people need only enter the room, and you cook it in him. He does not want to be dishonest, but then it is an uncomfortable question is raised, and it's over with the honesty. That is not only felt, that's a fact - or?
might end the confusion. "I do not know what I do," Certainly there is something wrong with him. Sometimes he may ask himself whether he is (still) is a Christian. He is easy prey traveling Preacher that fill you with their calls to the square in front of the stage. They meet unerringly to the center of his guilt. And he is bußfreudig on his knees and speaks to the sixty-third dedication prayer.
This time he means it seriously. Now everything is different. But there is not anything else - just like the last, second last or seventh time I'd prefer to call him "boy, relax, stay in your spot and let the shit." But at least I can write it to him today. (This does not misunderstand me: there are situations where God leads us through concrete and appropriate Bußreaktion But then are not acts of desperation. that we want to let the lifestyle of the Losers behind us. And some calls that some preachers at Mister "I" fishing in troubled waters, stir my holy wrath.)
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