Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Gay Cruising Areas In Or Around The Spokane Area

The poison of the legality

An excerpt from "Romans 7" by Harald Sommerfeld.

The plight of Mr. "I" often starts on the day of his conversion. Full of joy he is entering a new life with Jesus. But already he is a fellow Christian in the hands of well-meaning instructs him: From today, brother, "I" daily read the Bible and pray. Even the crossover is set to lose track again. What should be free skating, has become a duty. The disaster takes its course. Allow me to protest.

first You have to read the Bible at all.

I'm not reading the Bible is bad - quite the contrary. I do not say: "Let the Bible read" If any one, he may like to read it. I am happy about it. I know that it will do him good. I only say: You have not read it. At least, not to please God (ie he takes a fancy you have) or a "good Christian" to be. There are no other Christians as well. A Christian is a work of God (Ephesians 2:8). Everything that God makes is good.

Mister "I," you are a Christian,
and your God does not make crap.


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