Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tight Jeans And Meralgia Paresthetica

listed building and residential real estate

We just read an article on after Trafik in Vienna a portal that would in the near future of a listed building should be made, has been demolished.

More on this report is available here:

This article gives us reason to wonder how important and valuable actually listed?

We humans are somehow a peculiar species. We urge for new but can not be old. What to believe You will be charged in 100 to 200 years, the now established Towers and Palm Islands listed? Surely it is

fascinating when you walk through the old towns of our world and experience the touch of the ancient world in all senses. In the midst of ancestors and yet in modern times. In many buildings, we can only imagine how much sweat and endure the suffering population for the construction of these works had to.

What does this fascination for old buildings, streets or cities?

Is it the admiration for the work of the population at that time or the desire for the supposedly "good old days"?


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