Sunday, August 31, 2008

Veet Strips On Genital

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 40: It's impossible to remove

At the end of our 40-day revolution from inside to outside the borders, we in our thinking. To do this, we should fast from this thought. "That's impossible"
Jesus said: "The believer is all possible" (Mark 9, 23)

Is there something in your life that you abandoned. or have thought impossible? Whatever it is, never give up. Never!
The New York Times interviewed me yesterday. It was asked if I am Sonntag something about the problem say to the races, because this would in the media is a hot topic now. My answer was: "The race issue is an important issue, but that someone is risen from the dead, and more important," the journalist asked me what exactly I would preach about it.. I said: "When a man rises from the dead, that nothing is impossible"
  1. a day to think about the resurrection of Jesus.. This would display the wonderful power of God to be able to literally do anything!
  2. Banish any thought that is in something like this. "That I can not believe" cynicism and skepticism have permeated our culture. We must from the habit solve everything and anything to doubt forever. If you think there would be no way, then Jesus is the Way.
  3. Go to the real problem. It is not the question of whether God will help. The question is whether we believe! A father came to Jesus and said. "But if you can do something, have such pity on us and help us," Zeus answered him: "If you can tell? The believer everything is possible. "The question is not whether God can do something. Our faith is in demand. Remember that faith comes from the Word of God (Romans 10, 17).
  4. belief that your words can move mountains. Matthew, 17, 20: "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: Get thee to it out of here! and it will move itself. And nothing will be impossible. "
  5. to think about people that a" managed to solve impossible "situation. Abraham was 99 years old and became a father, his wife the 90th Moses parted the sea. The list is long ... Find these people in the Bible and fill your mind with their testimony. Hebrews 12, 1-2: "Let us now because we have such a great cloud of witnesses, take every burden and sin makes us so easily entangles and run with endurance the race before us, as we look to Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith. "If it is possible for these role models of faith was, then it can and will happen for you if you do not throw away your confidence.
The only thing impossible in this world is that God is lying.

think so and say it:

"Because Jesus is risen from the dead, anything is possible. I expect that impossible situations are resolved. I can believe that!
Jesus is the way when there seems to be no way. I believe and confess that God can do everything promised in his word, what I believe.
Since my words can move mountains, to me nothing will be impossible. I will not throw away my trust in God's promises, because only one impossible in this world is: that God is lying.
will therefore fulfill its promise in my life, as from today. "

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hot And Flushed After Eating Lunch

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 39: I wonder if I am doing enough for God

Have you ever wondered whether you are doing enough for God? Such Thoughts lead to a Arbeitsmentalitüt and prevent us from experiencing the freedom and joy that God has intended for us. Therefore, we want to fast from this thought.

is when a Christian is not about performance or achievements, but to accept. That is, we know things, know to appreciate and accept.
The problem with many believers is that they try to persuade God to act, to make him to fulfill his promises. Dear readers, here are the three most important words for your Christian " It is finished! "

We arrived shortly before the end of our 40 days of fasting from wrong thinking, and it is time, some to make and receive.
  1. What has always been God, belongs to you! You are in an alliance with him by the blood of Jesus Christ. Luke 15, 31, is a picture of our situation. The father says: "Child, thou art ever with me, and all that is mine, yours"
  2. Think "is" blessed, cursed not ".. You are blessed, not cursed. Stop it had such thoughts as "my father / my mother this or that disease, this or that trait, so I will have the same problem. You are" a new birth, the blood of Jesus have flowing through your veins. You have a new DNA, the DNA of Jesus. Galatians 3:00, 13: "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, "
  3. It is finished -. these wonderful words of Jesus on the cross! (John 19, 30) There is nothing more to do for your salvation. Nothing further is necessary for God to accept you. Nothing is wanting more, so that you are loved and protected! It's all done, so you will free.
  4. Understand that your job is to accept and receive. God has everything already. You have to accept it. We are not trying to make something happen by assuming God's word and confess. Rather, we recognize something that's already done what we heard, and in that we accept it, it is visible and effective. Remember the confession of your sins back. In that moment you have not sinned, but something known what had already happened. If we confess God's promises, it is exactly the same. We recognize something that has already happened. Philemon 1, 6: complete "I am also having this confidence, that he who began a good work in you, it is up to the day of Christ Jesus"
think so and say it (admit it).:

"I already have a covenant with God. I try not to get God to act on my behalf. I focus instead that he has already done everything for me.
I am already blessed. I'm already healed. I already have all that ascribes to the word of God to me. I will live a life of recognition and reception, and praise God for all that is mine through the blood of Jesus already.
I develop an awareness of the blessing, no sense of the curse. I am connected with the blood of Jesus, so I have the blessing of DNA. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all my life. Was ever I need, it's already finished! "

Friday, August 29, 2008

Converting W/v % To W/w

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, many thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 38: Why I no longer have?

Many people have been wondering how they can deepen their walk with God. I believe that one of the key is of thoughts like "Why did not more? To take" distance, whether it be here for money, friends, time, success or anything else goes.

I remember when I once complained to God, because I compared with other pastors, where buildings were donated, their communities were growing rapidly, given the large cash donations and so on. I plowed the other hand, as though to me, made small steps. When I was done with my whining, I asked the Lord: "Would you rather all these things, or substance and effect in your relationship with me," I could not
answer "both, so I made the obvious choice. Then I heard: "The things that you went through and learned painfully, the precious foundation upon which your life. You have this substance and can give people something that no one else can give in the same way. "That freed me from complaining.

I would use the depth of my Relationship to God in exchange for nothing in the world! As you can now fast on the idea of complaining about lack?
  1. search God's face rather than his hand. (You'll end up getting both.) Spend time with God, with His Word.
  2. Think about your lack of positive, rather than to struggle up trying to get more. Understand that, please do not wrong. I do not think that would be our lack of God, but simply because he can be. Psalm 34, 18-19: "They scream, and the Lord hears from all their afflictions he saves them. The Lord is close to those who are brokenhearted, and are crushed in spirit he saves. "Calculate so that, that there may be shortages. Expect God to help you out.
  3. Consider serving life as a gift from God for other people. Your experience with difficult times have you just put in a position to help other people, how could anyone else. According to Romans 12, 6-8, we all have special gifts from God. Maybe your job is to show compassion, help, help the poor.
  4. Trachte never according to what other people have. This does not mean that you should be satisfied with less than what God has intended for you. But you can not do what he has for you, measure it, what other people have. God knows what he is doing in and with your life. Philippians 1 6. Complete "I am also having this confidence, that he who began a good work in you, it is up to the day of Christ Jesus"
  5. God has a place for you to reserve the banquet, he is your security in any situation.
think so and say it:

I choose the face of God. I consider lack of opportunity to learn and grow, rather than me to struggle. I expect that my God is leading out of each deficiency.
My life is a gift from God for me and for others. I have unique gifts and conditions that may change in this world. I am not satisfied with less as God has allotted me, but I am not in competition with others.
God has a place for me reserviert.Meine security he is, and therefore I'm safe. "

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Watch Family Guy K On Iphone

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series on purpose fully in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 37: I've lost control

You have control about your life is not lost! The devil wants you to think like that you found you helpless, delivered to the circumstances. If you think so, it is not far off discouragement. You arrangierst up somehow with the situation will, driven back and forth of what just happened.
  1. think at the higher level. Holding short pause to understand what I mean. Thinking at the higher level, that is, the things from an elevated point of view. Look more down than up on the lives of the circumstances. When the servant of the prophet Elijah took this view of the higher level, he saw that the enemies were far outnumbered (2 Kings 6, 14-17). Note: God has not added any which the armed forces. The servant could not only see, as long he thought only on the lower level.
  2. Do not look at the situations as greater than yourself you step over the situation. Remember that your self-esteem affects the way in which your environment perceives you. The way you see yourself, you will see the devil. Thyself will see your "mountain". If you consider yourself to be smaller than the mountain, then you did not clear away. Remember: He is in you is greater than that which is in the world. This also you are great. Then the mountain will respect what you tell him, and plunge into the sea.
  3. The best day of your life is where you realize that you make the decisions. Then one you your life. Without excuses, without anyone that you could blame. Remember the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda, the acceptance of his condition for 38 years because he said, had "I no one to help me in time into the water" (John 5) Decide that you are the one who makes the decisions. , believes in solutions.
  4. Concentrate instead on the interior to the exterior. If you're like me, then there are all sorts of external things are not what they should be. But change is not my job. My job is to get it under control what is happening in front of me. This purpose of fasting is wrong thinking. Then the modified interior impact externally.
  5. Take your day in the hand, one thought after another. Do not be overwhelmed.
think so and say it:

I reign in my life because I have control over my thoughts. I determine in my life by applying the correct ways of thinking. This I free my feelings, my health, my relationships and my whole life.
I think from now on the higher level. I see things from the perspective of God. I'm bigger than my problems, bigger than the mountain, which now wants to put in my way.
is in me is more powerful as the situation. I will not remain in defeat, left alone, be sick, stuck in depressive mood. I focus on the inside, and I know that this will affect the exterior. I fast from wrong thinking, and that will bring about change. "

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dinner Sarees For Wedding

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 36: This man has gone too far. He has really devastated me.

Too often we give other people more power over our lives than they would be entitled. If you think that they have a huge impact on your life, then you become a slave to your whims and quirks.
  1. Fix your mind on Jesus from the observer, his life. He was a close friend Peter denied by a disciple Judas betrayed and abandoned by all others. Lies were spread about him, he was accused and abused. Nothing could stop him. Instead, it served to any attack, the kingdom of God to advance their mission.
  2. Consider stumbling blocks as parts of a staircase. Jesus knew that Judas' betrayal of the objectives God would serve. Do not let that what you do to others, staying up. The stumbling blocks to throw it in your way may be to steps on the way to your calling.
  3. Let God's promises do not go. Psalm 119, 165: have "great peace those who love Your law. She is not stumbling. "If we love the Word of God more than our emotions, we remain in the peace that is mentioned here.
  4. Let it be retaliation. Trust yourself instead of the one that is a fair judge. In 1 Peter 2, 22-24 we read how Jesus behaved when he was reviled suffering had. What is also inflicted on him, he handed is the one who judges righteously. This should be your idol, Give yourself a fair judge, rather than to retaliate.
think so and say it:

"Whatever anyone says to me, or what he does to me, I'm not crushed it. I will give anyone more such power over me. I direct my attention instead on Jesus, the Anfgänger and finisher of my faith.
I will rejoice in what Jesus did for me, regardless of attacks, slander, and the like. Stumbling blocks for me deeper steps into the will of God.
I know that all things will contribute to the good, as in Romans 8, 28 stands. I refuse to respond to insult or put down.
God is my judge. I will not ponder revenge or sour. I entrust myself to him and he will lead my way to a just outcome. "

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Phosphate Percentage In Ariel Laundry Detergent

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 35: I always make the same mistakes

What Jesus has done for us, we should not take for granted. His blood and have the force of his victim know we recognize and appreciate.
Jesus has done more for us than just to forgive our sins when he died on the cross and rose again. He gave us authority over our sins! We must no longer be a victim of a life of defeat and failure. We make the decisions, not life.
  1. Rejoice in God's grace. Romans 6:00, 14: "Sin shall not rule over you, for you are not under law but under grace" Titus 2, 11-12 "The saving grace of God. appeared. "
  2. Complete the self-blame. Romans 14, 22: Faith "Did you? Did it for yourself before God! Blessed is he who does not judge himself in what he approves. "Remember, God does not shatter, but it builds up. 1. Corinthians 8, 1. "The knowledge puffs up, but love built"
  3. Think about the adulterous woman in John 8, 1-11 after. Jesus said to her: "Nor do I condemn you. "Go and sin no longer." Acceptance and forgiveness came first. Then the power of sin - as a result of the realization that the woman was freed from sin. Sometimes we think that first of all sorts Penance must be done. Jesus forgave the woman first, and then he gave the strength to sin no more.
  4. belief in the power of the blood of Jesus. Paul warned against drinking the cup in an unworthy manner. We must be clear about what makes us worthy or unworthy. It is not our holiness that makes us worthy to drink the cup. Rather, the chalice, the blood of Jesus, the power to purify ourselves and to overcome all of his power (1 Corinthians 11).
  5. Think about the three gifts of God in 2nd Timothy 1, 7 to: "God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and the breeding (discipline). "You the power of discipline, self-control has. Despise the idea that you were delivered and realize that you were given power of attorney over your life.
think so and say it:

"I'm not a slave of sin. I rule it, because I do not live under the law, but in grace.
I expect that the grace given me in the position put to say no to wrong behavior. I am free because I was forgiven. God is love, and he built me.
I trust in the blood of Jesus, grant me forgiveness when I fell. It also gives me the strength to to reign things that I've ever fought.
I have the power of self-control. I was given a clear spirit, of love and liberation of fear, from sin. "

Monday, August 25, 2008

How Many Calories In A Grilled Shrimp

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series on purpose fully in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 34: It is not better but worse!

So we may think is not easy. We bind ourselves to the past, go back instead of forward. Bad news in the media dominate the coverage, which means that people develop a lot of negative expectations: With the economy going downhill, the company deteriorates, the future looks bleak ...

Such thinking prevents us from giving thanks to God and worship him, so we now want them fast.

first Claims 4, 18: "The path of the righteous is like the bright morning light, it shines brighter and brighter until the days Height"
second "But evil men and impostors will proceed to worse by seducing and seduced." (2 Timothy 3, 13) For you but the opposite! Quality goes with you, so you move from good in the better.
third Do not think the glass is half empty or half full. Instead: My glass flows over! (Psalm 23, 4) fourth
The output of your life is better than the entry. Ecclesiastes 7, 8, "Better the end of a thing than its beginning" Haggai 2, 9. His "Greater is the future glory of this house as that of the previous ..."
5th Believe that God has in store for the best even you. John 2, 10. "... You have kept the good wine until now,"
6th God has only good things for you in mind. In the parable in Luke 15, 22, his father says, "Bring out quickly the best robe and are attracted to him and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet, "

follow the thinking of God.

He takes us from the Old Testament in the New Covenant, the blood of sacrificial animals to the blood of Jesus, from the law to grace, from sin to righteousness, from illness to recovery from the defeat to victory, from the uncleanness to holiness, by the emptiness to fullness. In the kingdom of God is always followed by something better.
The Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17, 21), so you can expect improvement in every area of life.

think so and say it:

"Whatever happens in the world, I experience, improve the way things are. God has I made righteous by the blood of Jesus, so is my way from day to day brighter. Every day my heart is renewed, the goodness of God with me, so I'm moving from good to better.
I can celebrate the presence of my enemies, because my cup is overflowing and is never empty (Psalm 23). God's best for my life in the sense that the future will look better than the past. "

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Heartburn After Gall Bladder Surgery

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 33: For me it does not work

Today we fast from thoughts, looking to make the us: "For me, this does not apply. I do not get the job. I will never find the right partner. My position will not change, this does not work for me. "

We start instead of trying to expect us to change is happening.
  1. expect something good today. The Lord has done great things for us. (Psalm 118, Psalm 24 & 126, 3)
  2. Just be sure that God now has a good plan for you! Jeremiah 29, 11: "For I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope. "Note the words" I "know. This means that God is sure. It absolutely will happen. You can count on, it arrives.
  3. expect that open doors. Psalm 5, 13. "For you bless the righteous, O Lord, as with a shield you surround him with favor" favor means that God opens doors that no one can shut. Expect today those doors.
  4. faith in God's justice. Life is not always fair, but God is. In Romans 12, 19-21 we read that he is never mistaken in this regard. What was true of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, also applies to you. The Bible is clear: God knows no respect of person. (Acts 10, 34 and Romans 2:00, 11). He will not give one's blessing, which he denies another. Believe and expect this Galatians 3, 29: "If ye are of Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, and thus heirs of promise" Think
  5. solution-oriented.. No matter what problem you have, no matter what went wrong so far, expect a solution. Expect a response. James, 1, 5. "But if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask God, who are all there voluntarily and does not blame, and they shall be given him" Note that it "all", every human being, not only a select few. You belong to those to whom he is happy to solutions and answers.
  6. Remember the good that has happened in your life already. Since God does not change, you must again and again await his faithfulness (Psalm 23, 6).
think so and say it:

"For me today is something good happen. It will work. God has a plan for my life that day. It only makes good plans, so I know that happens to me good.
I expect today's favor. Favor surrounds me like a suit. Doors are open, and nobody can close it.
God will assist me as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He gives me wisdom and is nothing to me withheld. He does not tell me!
I remember the good in my past and expect that God will help again. His goodness and love will accompany me every single day of my life. "

Friday, August 22, 2008

Only Dot On Second Line

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link it not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 32: I am unworthy. I deserve a blessing. (After all, what I did ...)

The battles of life are won or lost in the head. Satan knows that is the root of our actions in our world of thought. That is why he tries so much to our to fill minds with wrong thinking patterns. But we have the wrong idea of declaring war!
Today we fast from such thinking: "I'm not worth it. In view of my crimes I deserve a blessing. "I can not be the only one who has heard such a thing ...

The following steps will help us to be free from such guilt.
  1. Employees up instead of your mistakes with the righteousness that Jesus gives you. We all have done enough bad things to go directly to end up in hell. But God judges us on the basis of what Jesus has done - if we believe in him.
  2. He blesses us not because we deserve it have. He blesses us because he has promised. We have to realize that God stands by its promises, as he promised Abraham: "And Abram was 99 years old when the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him: I am God, the Almighty. Live in front of my face, and be blameless! And I make my covenant between me and you, and wants you very, very multiply. "(1 Exodus 17, 1-2) God has kept that promise.
  3. If you believe you have been awarded, flows the Segen.Römer 4, 7-8: "Blessed are those whose lawless forgiven and whose sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputes not sin! "If you trust your focuses on forgiveness, you open the door for the blessing. Therefore Jesus said to the paralytic, first: "Son, your sins are forgiven" - and then afterwards. "I say unto thee, Arise, and take up your bed and go to your house" (Mark 2)
  4. Jesus is worthy God to receive blessings, and you are in him and he in you. Galatians 3:29: "But if you are the Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, and thus heirs of promise" Galatians 3:00, 9:.. "Are therefore those who are of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham"
  5. Listen so on, up to condemn ourselves. Complete the self-blame, after you made a mistake have. Romans 14, 22: Faith "Did you? Did it for yourself before God! Blessed is he who does not judge himself in what he approves. "
  6. Jesus took the curse upon himself, so you can receive the blessing! He deserves to be blessed to see you because he has suffered for you. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us" (Galatians 3, 13)
think and talk it out.

"I turn my eyes away from all my mistakes and the emphasis is on what Jesus did for me. He blessed me, because he has promised. I expect day in and day out. I decide it to believe that I was forgiven. Therefore, the blessing will flow. I belong to Christ, so I count the blessings and the curse. I expect God to fulfill the promises themselves. "

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How Do I Get Cheats For Gpsphone

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 31: I'm guilty

Have you ever thought that? "I do not do enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not saying the right things. I am too careless with myself I'm inferior. I should do more for others. I eat too much ... "Such thoughts produce feelings of guilt, which leads to self-contempt, to anger on others to bad decisions, harsh words, slow down our lives and makes us fearful.
Often we feel guilty because we think that we are not doing enough for God and other people. We are not good and holy enough ...

Such thinking has kept people for centuries in captivity. It hardly seems something to give, what we so far from our true destination holds as guilt.

God not motivated by blame. That would be tampering. God motivated by kindness. Romans 2, 4, "Or do you despise the riches of his goodness and forbearance and patience and do not know that the goodness of God to thee Repentance? "
people often try to convey our feelings of guilt, so that we do something for them or give them something. God's not like he wants us to be free.

We want to fast from the guilt of thought:
  1. Jesus up as "not guilty acquitted." This does not mean that you had never done anything wrong, but he has washed off your guilt with his blood.
  2. See what God sees. Take Colossians 1, 22 for you to claim: "He hath but now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death to you holy and blameless perfectly and added imagine. "
  3. If you do something wrong, then do not deny it. Admit it, admit it. 1. John 1: 9: "If we confess our sins , he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness"
  4. It is already done.! Believe that it has already happened. Hebrews 1, 3: "... he has, after he has effected the purification of the sins , the right hand of the Majesty on high"
  5. despise the idea that you have to feel guilty for forgiveness. to get. Sometimes we think that it would be necessary, guilty and bad to feel. Stop it. You do not need guilt to carry around with you. So you can not pay for . The blood of Jesus has already paid for it, and there is a blood oath that the same if we feel that we owe God, such feelings would be.
  6. Stop it, you make accusations about the things you've done wrong. How? Adding in the "now" live, not "yesterday". This allows you to bomb your mind not with the past errors are forgiven. When you pray, the devil whispers: "You should clean up" if you clear up, he says. "You should pray" Let this garbage. no longer! Hebrews 11, 1: "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for a Überführtsein of things not seen" 2. Corinthians 6, 2: "For he saith to the pleasant time I have heard thee, and on the day of salvation I helped you. See, now the most pleasant time, see, now is the day of salvation. "
  7. Find peace in the fact that you do not have to be perfect. God expects you not perfection. Jesus is your perfection, so come to rest.
think so and say it:

"Jesus me as" not guilty not guilty. " Even if I feel was not doing enough, not being good enough, God says that faith is sufficient.
I need not feel guilty to be forgiven. I will receive God's forgiveness, if I did something wrong and he was known for having me already purified from all sin. I will confess such things and then the debt taken by me.
I listen to it today to make my permanent charges for past sins and mistakes. I live in the "now" and praise God for my life today.
I find peace in the fact that he is my perfection. I do not have to be perfect, I just have put my trust in him. "

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Speyside And Highland Difference

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 30: God punished me

Today we are fasting from the thought that expresses something like: "Why does the God in me? He punished me. Why does it joins ?...« We build on the momentum from yesterday, because we all live to see such times when we have the feeling of not being good enough, and that therefore God could possibly be angry at us . We replace such thinking with "God is not angry with me. . He is crazy about me, "

If something goes wrong, it is easy to think so," Maybe does God allow it, because this or that I have done or not done. "But such thoughts obscure the view of our heavenly Father. We need to stop seeing it as a vindictive and judgmental God. He is without doubt the judge. But his opinion of our injustice is through the blood that Jesus shed for us, been enforced. What remains is his grace and his mercy.

We want the judicial mentality driven from our minds!
  1. It is impossible for God to give us something that is not good. Psalm 84, 12: "God, the Lord is sun and shield. Grace and glory of the Lord Give withheld no good to those who walk in integrity "(And do not forget: You are justified Duch blood of Jesus, not by works - that is". "Fairness).
  2. Because of the blood of a lamb, the court went to the children Israel's past. In 2 Genesis 12, 12-13, God said, "But the blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. There will be no plague that brings ruin, to be with you "The blood of Jesus is much more powerful than the blood of the Passover lamb, and it was shed for us.
  3. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation shadow of turning. "(James 1, 17) God has not changed. He is the author of all good. We never want to be questioned.
  4. Take on his grace. Lamentations 3, 22-23: are "Yes, the mercies of the Lord does not end, yes, His mercy never ceases, it is every morning. Great is thy faithfulness "in Hebrews 4, 16 we read:".. Let us now add connect with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of "He condemns and does not judge you!
  5. Think about what that means grace. A woman asked Napoleon for mercy for her son. He should be executed for his crimes against Napoleon and France. ? "You do not know what he did," asked Napoleon's mother and stated: "He deserves no mercy," she answered. "If he deserves it, it would be no mercy," Napoleon was free to prisoners.
If you do the next time the thought "why happened to me?" Ertappst, expect God to make something good out of the situation, rather than to assume that you would just take his court.

think so and say it:

"God does not punish me. He is my father, and he made me inexpressibly sweet. I deserve punishment, but he has pardoned me.
If I encounter bad, I will not believe it is God's punishment. I will not believe that I would have lost his favor. His favor surrounds me like a tank.
His court passed upon the children of Israel, so he spared me because of the blood of Jesus. I expect God to do good every day, without end.
I accept his grace. Will accompany me day and night. No matter what life brings, I expect that God used for good. "

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Long Does Panosico Battery Last?

Renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 29: God is angry at me believe

Many people say that God is angry with them that them bad things happen because God wants to punish them. Or, softened a bit, that God would be angry but not always, but on the other hand, does not want to be active.

fast from such thoughts we are today. Wrong thinking will be of our flesh or the devil used to undermine our faith. If you believe that God is mad at you, you will hardly expect that he blesses you. We want this idea with the sword of the Word of God to eradicate.
  1. God is not angry with you. He is crazy about you. (The word in the English game can not be transferred without loss into German: not "God is mad at you He is mad. about you. ") When I started 15 years ago, my service, began I to say this, and I will continue to believe it! If you accept this, you will have confidence, hope and peace, and who would not want to do? I know that the statement is true, because in Romans 8, 37 have read that nothing can separate us from the love of God. We have been forgiven (1 John 1, 9) and we are loved (1 John 4, 10).
  2. think this new idea: God loves me as much as he loves Jesus! In John 17, 23 Jesus says to the Father: "... so the world may know that thou hast sent me and loved as you loved me," What an amazing truth.. God loves up as much as he loves Jesus! And how God might be angry with Jesus?
  3. He has constantly good thoughts about you. Psalm 139, 17-18: "But for me - how precious are your thoughts, O God! How great are their sums! I wanted to count them, they are more numerous than the sand. I wake up and am still with you. "
  4. What God said to Jesus, also applies to you. 1. John 4, 16: "And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love and whoever abides in love abides in God and God in him. "This wonderful truth can not be eliminated from the world. God loves Jesus, not half-hearted, so he loves you not, with limitations.
  5. It is nothing that God wants you withheld. Romans 8, 32: "He who spared but his own Son, but gave him up for us all, as he will not give us with it all,"
  6. You will not be condemned?. Romans 8, 1: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus' condemnation is the highest expression of disapproval. God takes up fully, however, because of your faith in Jesus Christ - not because of the Leisuntgen that you accomplish. God's love for you is unchanging. 5. Moses 7, 8 shows us that He loves us with everlasting love. It can not be stopped, not disappear, and no end.
think so and say it:

"God is not angry with me. He is crazy about me. It loves me just like Jesus. He has valuable thoughts about me. I am his beloved child and he is my beloved father. God wants me
nothing withheld. He did his best for me, why should he hold back other things?
I refuse to be condemned. I was assigned. I reject the idea that God would be angry with me. It is for me not against me. His love for me can not end.

Note from Pastor Dickow: You may like to share this food for thought. You have my blessing for it. The Truth is free! I want you to achieve these contributions, the people because the people of God should be free from wrong thinking.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Multiple Band Rings Dubai


Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian Faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 28: It's so hard

amazing reports reach me of people who join in fasting from wrong Gednaken. One woman wrote that her children asked for some time: "Who are you and what have you done with our mother She told her:" You no longer yell at us. You will not be angry. You eat less. Not you. "
What we practice here is in fact a revolution from the inside out. Today we are fasting from the thought: "It is so hard,"
Some people do not even attempt to do certain things because they have been influenced by such thoughts and blocked. Shall affix it to the victory before it has even attempted. By this thinking, we want to take apart.

first Do you realize that you're with the Lord together in the yoke. Many Christians find life so difficult because they do everything alone. The Christian life is meant quite different. We should be united with Jesus through the yoke. He said, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, And I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me! For I am gentle and humble in heart, and ye shall find rest your souls "(Matthew 11, 28-29)
second Some things are too heavy for your own strength, but God would not expect from us, for which he does not give us the necessary power. (1 Corinthians 10, 12-13) His grace is completely sufficient for you too. (2 Corinthians 12, 9)
third Do not forget that we are one with him. 2. Corinthians 13, 5: "Or you realize you not know that Jesus Christ is in you," He is in you, so he is right in front of the difficulties that you see before you. Your problem is his problem. Your challenge is his challenge. Your debt is his debt.
4th Employees up with God's character and his abilities. Jeremiah 32, 17: "Behold, thou hast made the heavens and the earth by thy great power and by thy outstretched arm: not a thing you is impossible," There is nothing that can not do..
5th Matthew, 19, 26: "In humans this is impossible, 6 but with God all things are possible"
. Do not focus on something "for Jesus" to do, but doing everything "in Jesus." Galatians 2, 20: "... and no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me ..." What the people hard and impossible, God is easy. The God who makes the impossible possible, lives in you.

think so and say it:

"I am the Schwierkigkeiten and challenges in my life over not alone. I am connected to Jesus through the yoke, and his yoke is easy, his burden is not heavy.
The Holy Spirit is my helper. He lives in me, giving me his strength, encouraged me, strengthens me.
God knows what I'm going through, and he gave me the strength and grace to do it. I am in a covenant with God, so are my fights his battles.
Nothing is too difficult for him and everything is possible for me, because I believe in him. I live by the power that he will put in me. In Christ, I can literally do anything. "

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Babylock Grace Vs Decorator's Choice

Renewed Renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 27: I am alone in this storm

When fasting from wrong thinking patterns, we distinguish not only between right and wrong but between right and almost right . There are many things we believe, even though it only almost is correct. It is almost true that we can go into the presence of God by worship with all my heart. Some pastors are calling for the church to: "Let's break through in its present"
But, dear reader, we are already in his presence, because we went through the curtain that separated us from the Holy of Holies. Through the body and blood of Jesus Christ, this curtain was torn (Hebrews 10, 19-20). We're
now openly in his presence, without guilt, without condemnation, without separation from him. We build

on to what we have discussed in recent days and fasting today by the thought: "I stand alone. Where is God when I need it most? "

When the disciples on the road over a lake (Mark 4:00, 36-40) were, they were overwhelmed by a storm that struck their boat. They assumed that they would perish. They feared for their lives and fought desperately with the water masses. Do you know these storms? You know it when the water beats up on you, you do not advise more and are completely helpless? You scream: "Lord, where are you? Do you not care? "
The disciples had forgotten in view of the storm, a detail ... Jesus was with them in the boat! There is nothing more valuable than his presence!

übwerwinden We want these ideas to be alone and helpless in the storm.

  1. He is with you in the boat. In Mark 4:00, 36-40 Jesus was sleeping. Someone asked me once: "As we awaken to Jesus when he is asleep in the storm," I replied: "Wake him not to. Peace with him, "If he is not worried, we need not despair as well. His presence calmed the storm at that time, and so it is today.
  2. The disciples Jesus did not have to wake up, but understand the fact that he was there. If you know that he is with you, there is no reason to fear. Psalm 23, 4: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"
  3. great miracle. Jesus stilled the storm. Greater miracle: Jesus could sleep in the middle of storm. If you know that he is with you in the boat, you get supernatural peace. A quiet storm, that's great. Middle of the storm have peace, that's great.
  4. Do not confuse your life with fire in the absence of God. In Daniel 3, 22-25, Jesus was the fourth man, his presence seemed right in the fire. Even if you do not feel his presence does not mean that he would be absent. Belief that he is with you and your situation will change by his presence.
  5. Psalm 91, 10: "For," he offers his angels for you to keep thee in all thy ways. Note that it is his angel because of you a job. There are many angels that have to do with our lives, but something more important: Jesus Christ. He is Lord, and he cares about you.
think so and say it:

"There is nothing greater than the presence of God and his presence is at me and myself. As sure as he was with Moses, he is with me.
I try not to get into God's presence. I am already in his presence, by the blood of Zeus. He's in my boat, here with me, and not somewhere far away.
I'm aware of his presence. There is no separation. I can rest with him in the middle of all the storms. I can go with him through every fire.
I am not afraid because he is with me. "

Saturday, August 16, 2008

John Cena In Joe Boxer Underwear

renewed thinking thoughts

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will not only link, along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 26: God is far away

Today we join in that which we contemplated yesterday. Remember the cunning snake from 1 Moses 3rd Thoughts can trip us up, and often they are very cunning. We must not only learn to distinguish between false and distinguish right , but also between right and almost right .
It is almost right to ask God that he comes down and helps us. It sounds holy. It sounds humble. But true liberation we experience when we discover that he is already here.

We want to fast from the thought that makes us believe that God is far away from us. God is not only with us and for us, he is also in us.

"Emmanuel" means "God with us. When Jesus came, he ended the separation between God and man. This mystery we will probably not understand completely until we are in heaven. Colossians 1, 27 puts it: "you God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the nations, and that is:. Christ in you, the hope of glory "It's almost right, if we believe that we will come closer through a holier life to God . But the distance between God and us is a myth, an illusion. The devil wants us about our relationship with God like to have as innocent as possible.
It is true, as in Isaiah 59, 2 reads: "Your crimes are the ones who have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you."
But Jesus has removed the sin through his blood. Therefore, the separation could not be found, when someone is born again. If we do not understand, we feel far from God and get stuck in our bonds. Although we sometimes have the feeling that he was far away, this is not the same. He's here. He is in us.

Today we want to replace the almost right thoughts through the right thinking.
  1. Psalm 46, 2: "God is our refuge and strength, as found plenty of assistance in distress." Is not that a wonderful thought? Have you ever been in trouble? Well sure! But note: He is always present. And he is the help in difficult times. It is its ubiquity, which accounts for our help.
  2. Take him at his word. Jesus said in Matthew 28, 20: "Behold, I am with you" every day until the end of the age. This sentence can not be interpreted incorrectly. "I am with you ..." - it warms our hearts and comfort us.
  3. Christianity is not a life of achievements, but of knowledge. Paul in Philemon 6: "... that the community of your faith may become effective in the knowledge of all the good that is in us in terms of Christ." Many people make all sorts of things in order to come into God's presence and experience His blessing. But the Bible is clear: We must understand and acknowledge that he is already within us. His gifts are already in us. Thus we get a force neither money nor religion can obtain for us. This finding makes our faith becomes effective. Recognize and acknowledge that he has with his gifts made in you home.
  4. Christian does not mean that we "find" God. Rather, he came and found us, joined us in his arms. He shed His blood to wash away our unrighteousness, and he gave us his holy spirit. He has taken lives in every man, Jesus Christ as Lord. Romans 8, 11: "If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he is who raised Christ Jesus from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies because of his residing in you mind" .
  5. Banish every thought that says: God, come down and help me. He has already come. He has already sent his spirit. Our struggle is being had to believe, even if we do not feel it. He is in you!
  6. We do not live for God, but we live from God. Galatians 2, 20: "... and no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, which I now live in the flesh I live by faith, in the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and himself for gave me. " David says in Psalm 139, 7-9: "Where should I go from thy spirit flee while before your face? If I ascend to heaven, thou art there. I make my bed in Sheol, behold, thou art there. I were to levy the wings of the morning, I let myself down at the far end of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, "Your right hand hold me.
think so and say it:

I decide me today to reject the idea that I was in some way separated from God.
He is my ever-present help in my distress. He is my lifeboat. I find peace because I know I am safe in it.
I acknowledge that God is already within me. This is my faith effectively. He found me and gave his spirit in me. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, lives now in me.
God is not far away. He is right now right here with me. I am surrounded by his love and secure in his presence. So I am not afraid. He is my shield, my refuge, my help at this moment.
I try not to live for God, but I'm out of it. His strength is in me. His presence is in me. And nothing can I ever be separated from the love of God which was given to me in my Lord Jesus Christ. "

What Do Lowlights Look Like On Blonde Hair?


A text of Pain to Plvling:

Powerleveling Silkroad Online - surrender or plague?

Since the update to Silkroad Online Europe in 2007, the Party Leveling System of Silkroad Online has been developed, which ensures that within a so-called Experience Auto Share Party Party Monster spawn . This system is meant for European characters, as some classes are tied to that party leveling to the level up.

Over time, this system is increasingly becoming a source of money for higher players rise and a rapid method for base game, but seriously ... a game is not meant to play this? It is sad to see that only 5% play even the players between Level 1 and 52 their character and that many areas in Silkroad Online are not as filled with players as it once was again. The players who would actually stay in these areas are now all lumped together in the Ong area in Samarkand and the Penon area in the Karakoram and priority with a character that they level up.

Apart from the fact that many players who can continually give "Taxi " do not know how they deal with their character, created by the Powerleveling far from major problems. I would like to mention two of these problems:

  1. Since leveling can be many players create major gaps in equipment for players who want to play their own character. There is little European equipment, which is sold by players. This gap ranges from Level 1 to Level 64th How can a lv 48 players at Mujigis (Lv 49) rise in the level, if he does not have Lv 48 weapon? These players should be left to rely, unfortunately even leveling ...
  2. players who want to buy her "Taxi", it is vital for to obtain gold. For players who play their characters either can not or kill self because of lack of equipment can not monsters, there are only two possibilities. You have to go begging either, or they create a second character and run with Level 1 in the Roc Mountain area to pick up something there that does not pick up the "high level". On the Silkroad Alps server in Rok Mountain area about 90 level 1 characters running around. Particularly sad, because this usually a multi-client using the same time can also level up your main character. This could cost server slots ...

Of course, the leveling system is a good source of income for players the high level, but have the side effects Silkroad Online fundamentally changed . I would note that I am firmly convinced that a player of a character already has brought up independently to the high level of course, a new character can pull up, without having to have a guilty conscience.

What do you think the leveling system? Treatment, or plague? Uses the comments!

Source: The-

Another little addition:
Powerlvling prop, is already good for "high" lvl players Because it comes so easily to gold, but on the other hand, does not longer has the gold right on, because they either take Botten or taxi.

Friday, August 15, 2008

How Much Does A Speed Sensor Ball Cost


Changing our thinking

I copy this series intentionally fully in our blog.
I will link it not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 25: If I just pray enough ...

Today we fast from a very insidious thoughts, and that will lead to an exemption in your life: "If I only pray enough, holy enough to live, then I will come closer to God and enter into his presence"

Manche. the thoughts that we in this series address of fasting from wrong thinking and remove from our minds seem to be quite right at first glance. But they are subtle tricks and lies.
When the devil in 1 Genesis 3 Adam and Eve spoke, says of him that he was more cunning than any other creature. With twisted thoughts he wants to seduce and conquer us. They seem to be pious and correct, but that's an illusion, because it leads to a mentality of work pressure, bring a legalistic train in your relationship with God.

This is not a theological debate. But I want to ask you: How much can closer you come to know God, who already lives in you?

second Corinthians 13, 5, "you test whether you are in the faith tested, unite! Or you do not even recognize that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless, that you are about disapproved. "1 Corinthians 6, 19: "You know or not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own"
This is not a warning or fear mongering . This is rather a promise. It is a fact, if a person is born again. It is an image that there is no barrier between God and us. In summary, Paul says, "The reason that your behavior is sinful and is wrong, is that you have not understood that he lives in you. If you understand that it will change your self-image and this changes your life. "

If we think that we should do more for God, for him to get closer to the viewing angle shifts to us. to Hebrews 12, 1 we read, however, that we look at Jesus. Anyone who thinks that he needs to make something to get closer to God, struggling and trying to get discouraged at some point give up, because he assumes that his relationship will be with God always kind of distant. So go peace, joy, and of course the belief in the efficacy of prayer lost. I call this condition as "illusion of separation."
The Devil and the religion make us believe that God is far away. "He's somewhere up there, if we pray enough, fast enough, enough work, then this gap may close, we could approach him." This is a lie. He is the friend of us is closer than a brother (Proverbs 18, 24).

So, dear friends, and those thoughts, we are now preparing an end.

first We do not earn us God's closeness. It is a gift. Hebrews 13, 5, "He said. I do not want you to give up and leave you not" second
You are already in his presence, by the blood of Jesus. Hebrews 10, 19-20: "Now that we, brethren, by the blood of Jesus have boldness to enter the sanctuary, which he opened to us as a new and living way through the curtain ..."
third There is no gap between you and God. If you're born again, you are united with him, one with it. 1. Corinthians 6, 17: "But he who the Lord is one spirit with him" Acts 17, 28: living. "In him and move and exist, as even some of your poets have said, For we are his family. "In this reality did the first Christians. There is no separation. Sin separates us from God, but Jesus has the Sin removed and reconnected us to God. The separation is past.
4th Do not think more. "God is there, I'm here," You have nothing to do to bring in God in your situation. He is already with us, because he is in you and you in the situation. Philippians 2: 13: "For it is God who works in you both to will and the work to his good pleasure"
5th. Fear no evil. Psalm 23, 4: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"
6th. As the lie back, that God or his blessings be somewhere far away. Mark 4, 20: "And the Good Earth sown are those who hear the word and take and bear fruit. a thirty-one and sixty and a hundredfold "This truth you must accept. There is no divide.

We will take up the issue again tomorrow, as there is to say much more.

think today is already so out of it and say:

I'm no longer separated from God. I must not deserve his presence. It is a gift. He will never leave me or neglect.
I'm in his presence and he is in me. In this reality I live. I stop in my mind, a separation between God and see me. He's in my life and in my situation, at this moment. No matter how it looks all around, I will not fear, for he is with me.
glaubeund I think and talk to Romans 8, 38-39: I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate myself from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, my Lord. "

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Propane Heater Flame Adjustment

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only as to the motto:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 24: The future is uncertain

Today we are fasting from the thought which says: "You do not know what the future brings. Anything can happen. One can not choose what happens in life, and one can hardly do anything about it. "Too many people suffer

certain situations because they think that everything in the hands of God, the future is predetermined. It is true that we can not control everything that happens in the world, but on our lives we do have power of disposal.
Sow your mind, and you reap what you did. Sow what you did, and you reap your habit. Sow your habit and you reap your character. Sow your character and you reap your destiny. We have the power to shape our future.

Let us change our thinking by "the future is uncertain with" I think my future in your hand, replace based on my thinking. "
  1. Believe what God says. Jeremiah 29, 11: "For I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope" God's future is good for us.. Expect the best.
  2. Your life is a garden. In 1 Genesis 2, 7 God put man into a garden. In Luke 17, 21 However, God planted a garden in humans. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within us. The soil can be found in our hearts. (Mark 4, 13-20)
  3. We determine our future through the seed that we sow. Galatians 6, 7. "For what a man soweth, that shall he also reap" It's about to sow the seeds of the Word of God. The promises the word of God have the power to unfold, if they are planted in fertile soil in our hearts.
  4. You have the authority and permission of God, your life grow according to your wishes and have grown to be. Proverbs 4, 7-8: "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom to you! And with all that you have purchased, you Acquire understanding! Ranke up high on her, she will rise up! They will bring you to honor when you embrace it. "
  5. You are able to remove the things by which your harvest will be nipped in the garden of the heart. Mark 4, 17-20 mentions three things that can destroy our crops: materialism, greed and worry.
  6. tendon up to the promises God in your life. 2. Corinthians 1, 20: "there is because so many promises of God in him are yea, so through him the Amen, to the glory of God by us" sow the seeds of promise in your heart out.. The answer is yes!
  7. Think about the power of attorney by which God has given you. He has given you freedom of choice, you can choose the seed that you ausstreust, you can decide on the words that you speak and you can use the power of the Holy Spirit. All that's your decision.
think so and say it:

I agree with heart and mind that God has a good future for me. But he has I entrusted the management of my garden. I will see what can get through my eyes, ears and my mouth in my heart.
I decide by the seed that I would look over my future. The Word of God contains the seeds of the promises, and God has given me the authority and permission to make my garden. This seed will rise, and I remove the weeds that will choke the crop.
I need to no one and nothing to be jealous, because I apply for as many promises that I will be satisfied. I recognize and use the authority that God has given me about my decisions, my tongue, my eyes, my invitation to the Holy Spirit. "

How Do Scorpio Men Show Their Interest

no news

has the there been any recent news I'm going by about the Item Copy-of-house and teleport-then-right xD-away trick
In the short format: A scammer trick.
the time being: never a stable power out half of the Save Zone! With the exception of for example your friend what show, but rather in the exchange mode.
How the trick is one probably will follow, if I get him out everything; D

Here are some tips to avoid becoming "victims" are to:
  • Make no stable auserhalb the Sava zone on what prop should be enough already
  • If someone says yes I can copy items that is NOT ! Whom you lose your item if it teleports you.
can as long as you pay attention and not false does not harm the scammer you: D

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cream Curtains Go With ?

Renew your thinking Change your thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 23: It does not work

people often think: "I try, but I really do not change. My marriage does not work. Prayer is not good. The word of God shall not occur. The finances do not change the Tithing does nothing. "
If it does not work the way we have imagined, we are inclined to such thoughts. We believe that nothing would happen right in spite of our behavior. The devil suggested to us that God's word is for others but not for us. If we believe that it did not, we stop to do the right thing. And then we lose our harvest.
So it's not as if something would not work, but we stop to keep at it and in turn, stops the progress.

If we do the right thing, the devil will bring us meaning that we do not believe the success that we think it would change nothing. If someone we awarded, the devil says: "This brings so not matter," If we give a victim, he says. "You get no harvest" When we pray, he says. "God has not heard, he will not respond. "

When my children were young, I sometimes asked me:" Bring it something to pray every night with them? Is it worthwhile to educate them? Cause all the hugs, kisses and long talks anything "But I have to not stop because I thought,"? The word of God is what it goes for me, "are now love our children teenagers who God and their parents, and. I note that it has caused all this time something. If I my doubting Thought would have thought, would not the crop reaches maturity.

We turn now from such thoughts.
  1. sow good seed further. Do not become weary in doing good, for the crop grows in due course. We have to believe that we will reap if we do not give up halfway.
  2. Do you realize that giving up begins in our thought. Hebrews 12, 3: "For consider him who endured such opposition from sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds," Giving up begins in your head. Once we believe that nothing will change, our response Body to these thoughts and ultimately defeated us the negative energy. In your mind you start to believe that anything will change, and this is positive, vibrant energy released.
  3. belief that God is already within you. "For it is God who works in you both to will and the work to his good pleasure" Philippians 2, 13) If he is at work, will change things.
  4. Let it penetrate your mind: the word of God is true. Jeremiah 1, 12: "And the Lord said unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will watch over my word to perform it" faith in the integrity of the Word of God..
  5. belief that Prayer makes a difference. Jesus said, All to whatever you ask for in prayer ", believes that you have received, and it will be" Mark 11, 24
  6. Do not be fooled by your emotions or to appearances. As soon as you act according to the word of God, things begin to change. 2. Corinthians 5, 7. Has "Everything he made beautiful in its time, he has eternity in their hearts," ... for we walk by faith not by sight "
  7. In Ecclesiastes 3, 11 is one of my favorite words down, only that man is not the work has explored that God did, from beginning to end. "There is something beautiful can see if you trust God and he leaves the timing.
think so and say it:

"It works. Maybe I see at the moment still no results, but God says he stands by his word.
I sow the right thoughts, therefore I reap life change. I sow the word of God and that will not return empty.
I will not give up internally. I choose to believe in change.
God works in me, and he will be able to realize his will in my life because I trust my thoughts to him. While I sow in my heart and my spirit the word of God, God makes sure that something actually happens. If the thought creeps me
, prayer would be in vain, I will reply with Mark 11, 24. I live by faith, as I believe what God says.
I will not be fooled by appearances, or my feelings, as I think God's word would not apply to me.
No matter how it looks today: The Lord will create something wonderful in my life, "

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Install A Sound Device To My Laptop Ibm

Ocean's evidence

Ocean has now announced his evidence. And what can you say, they do not look very promising.

The evidence is just a few pictures, you can do with a good prop emulator. But what also means that Ocean already knows because he hinbekommt that already.
The reason to believe, because I have no public (meaning the public) know emulator that already has it.

Here again a couple of photos:

Source: Ocean.Blog

Ps: Here! once all the pictures you can, you click through.