Changing our thinking
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.
I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.
At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *
Day 40: It's impossible to remove
At the end of our 40-day revolution from inside to outside the borders, we in our thinking. To do this, we should fast from this thought. "That's impossible"
Jesus said: "The believer is all possible" (Mark 9, 23)
Is there something in your life that you abandoned. or have thought impossible? Whatever it is, never give up. Never!
The New York Times interviewed me yesterday. It was asked if I am Sonntag something about the problem say to the races, because this would in the media is a hot topic now. My answer was: "The race issue is an important issue, but that someone is risen from the dead, and more important," the journalist asked me what exactly I would preach about it.. I said: "When a man rises from the dead, that nothing is impossible"
- a day to think about the resurrection of Jesus.. This would display the wonderful power of God to be able to literally do anything!
- Banish any thought that is in something like this. "That I can not believe" cynicism and skepticism have permeated our culture. We must from the habit solve everything and anything to doubt forever. If you think there would be no way, then Jesus is the Way.
- Go to the real problem. It is not the question of whether God will help. The question is whether we believe! A father came to Jesus and said. "But if you can do something, have such pity on us and help us," Zeus answered him: "If you can tell? The believer everything is possible. "The question is not whether God can do something. Our faith is in demand. Remember that faith comes from the Word of God (Romans 10, 17).
- belief that your words can move mountains. Matthew, 17, 20: "If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: Get thee to it out of here! and it will move itself. And nothing will be impossible. "
- to think about people that a" managed to solve impossible "situation. Abraham was 99 years old and became a father, his wife the 90th Moses parted the sea. The list is long ... Find these people in the Bible and fill your mind with their testimony. Hebrews 12, 1-2: "Let us now because we have such a great cloud of witnesses, take every burden and sin makes us so easily entangles and run with endurance the race before us, as we look to Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith. "If it is possible for these role models of faith was, then it can and will happen for you if you do not throw away your confidence.
think so and say it:
"Because Jesus is risen from the dead, anything is possible. I expect that impossible situations are resolved. I can believe that!
Jesus is the way when there seems to be no way. I believe and confess that God can do everything promised in his word, what I believe.
Since my words can move mountains, to me nothing will be impossible. I will not throw away my trust in God's promises, because only one impossible in this world is: that God is lying.
will therefore fulfill its promise in my life, as from today. "