Monday, August 25, 2008

How Many Calories In A Grilled Shrimp

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series on purpose fully in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 34: It is not better but worse!

So we may think is not easy. We bind ourselves to the past, go back instead of forward. Bad news in the media dominate the coverage, which means that people develop a lot of negative expectations: With the economy going downhill, the company deteriorates, the future looks bleak ...

Such thinking prevents us from giving thanks to God and worship him, so we now want them fast.

first Claims 4, 18: "The path of the righteous is like the bright morning light, it shines brighter and brighter until the days Height"
second "But evil men and impostors will proceed to worse by seducing and seduced." (2 Timothy 3, 13) For you but the opposite! Quality goes with you, so you move from good in the better.
third Do not think the glass is half empty or half full. Instead: My glass flows over! (Psalm 23, 4) fourth
The output of your life is better than the entry. Ecclesiastes 7, 8, "Better the end of a thing than its beginning" Haggai 2, 9. His "Greater is the future glory of this house as that of the previous ..."
5th Believe that God has in store for the best even you. John 2, 10. "... You have kept the good wine until now,"
6th God has only good things for you in mind. In the parable in Luke 15, 22, his father says, "Bring out quickly the best robe and are attracted to him and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet, "

follow the thinking of God.

He takes us from the Old Testament in the New Covenant, the blood of sacrificial animals to the blood of Jesus, from the law to grace, from sin to righteousness, from illness to recovery from the defeat to victory, from the uncleanness to holiness, by the emptiness to fullness. In the kingdom of God is always followed by something better.
The Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17, 21), so you can expect improvement in every area of life.

think so and say it:

"Whatever happens in the world, I experience, improve the way things are. God has I made righteous by the blood of Jesus, so is my way from day to day brighter. Every day my heart is renewed, the goodness of God with me, so I'm moving from good to better.
I can celebrate the presence of my enemies, because my cup is overflowing and is never empty (Psalm 23). God's best for my life in the sense that the future will look better than the past. "


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