Changing our thinking
I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.
I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.
At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.
I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.
At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *
Day 39: I wonder if I am doing enough for God
Have you ever wondered whether you are doing enough for God? Such Thoughts lead to a Arbeitsmentalitüt and prevent us from experiencing the freedom and joy that God has intended for us. Therefore, we want to fast from this thought.
is when a Christian is not about performance or achievements, but to accept. That is, we know things, know to appreciate and accept.
The problem with many believers is that they try to persuade God to act, to make him to fulfill his promises. Dear readers, here are the three most important words for your Christian " It is finished! "
We arrived shortly before the end of our 40 days of fasting from wrong thinking, and it is time, some to make and receive.
- What has always been God, belongs to you! You are in an alliance with him by the blood of Jesus Christ. Luke 15, 31, is a picture of our situation. The father says: "Child, thou art ever with me, and all that is mine, yours"
- Think "is" blessed, cursed not ".. You are blessed, not cursed. Stop it had such thoughts as "my father / my mother this or that disease, this or that trait, so I will have the same problem. You are" a new birth, the blood of Jesus have flowing through your veins. You have a new DNA, the DNA of Jesus. Galatians 3:00, 13: "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, "
- It is finished -. these wonderful words of Jesus on the cross! (John 19, 30) There is nothing more to do for your salvation. Nothing further is necessary for God to accept you. Nothing is wanting more, so that you are loved and protected! It's all done, so you will free.
- Understand that your job is to accept and receive. God has everything already. You have to accept it. We are not trying to make something happen by assuming God's word and confess. Rather, we recognize something that's already done what we heard, and in that we accept it, it is visible and effective. Remember the confession of your sins back. In that moment you have not sinned, but something known what had already happened. If we confess God's promises, it is exactly the same. We recognize something that has already happened. Philemon 1, 6: complete "I am also having this confidence, that he who began a good work in you, it is up to the day of Christ Jesus"
"I already have a covenant with God. I try not to get God to act on my behalf. I focus instead that he has already done everything for me.
I am already blessed. I'm already healed. I already have all that ascribes to the word of God to me. I will live a life of recognition and reception, and praise God for all that is mine through the blood of Jesus already.
I develop an awareness of the blessing, no sense of the curse. I am connected with the blood of Jesus, so I have the blessing of DNA. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all my life. Was ever I need, it's already finished! "
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