Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Speyside And Highland Difference

renewed thinking

Changing our thinking

I copy this series completely on purpose in our blog.
I will link them not only along the lines of:
There is also a good idea, one of many.

I am convinced that this is a good veheißungsorientierte attitude, a very important part of our Christian faith.

At this point, thanks for the translator .* g *

Day 30: God punished me

Today we are fasting from the thought that expresses something like: "Why does the God in me? He punished me. Why does it joins ?...« We build on the momentum from yesterday, because we all live to see such times when we have the feeling of not being good enough, and that therefore God could possibly be angry at us . We replace such thinking with "God is not angry with me. . He is crazy about me, "

If something goes wrong, it is easy to think so," Maybe does God allow it, because this or that I have done or not done. "But such thoughts obscure the view of our heavenly Father. We need to stop seeing it as a vindictive and judgmental God. He is without doubt the judge. But his opinion of our injustice is through the blood that Jesus shed for us, been enforced. What remains is his grace and his mercy.

We want the judicial mentality driven from our minds!
  1. It is impossible for God to give us something that is not good. Psalm 84, 12: "God, the Lord is sun and shield. Grace and glory of the Lord Give withheld no good to those who walk in integrity "(And do not forget: You are justified Duch blood of Jesus, not by works - that is". "Fairness).
  2. Because of the blood of a lamb, the court went to the children Israel's past. In 2 Genesis 12, 12-13, God said, "But the blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you. There will be no plague that brings ruin, to be with you "The blood of Jesus is much more powerful than the blood of the Passover lamb, and it was shed for us.
  3. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation shadow of turning. "(James 1, 17) God has not changed. He is the author of all good. We never want to be questioned.
  4. Take on his grace. Lamentations 3, 22-23: are "Yes, the mercies of the Lord does not end, yes, His mercy never ceases, it is every morning. Great is thy faithfulness "in Hebrews 4, 16 we read:".. Let us now add connect with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of "He condemns and does not judge you!
  5. Think about what that means grace. A woman asked Napoleon for mercy for her son. He should be executed for his crimes against Napoleon and France. ? "You do not know what he did," asked Napoleon's mother and stated: "He deserves no mercy," she answered. "If he deserves it, it would be no mercy," Napoleon was free to prisoners.
If you do the next time the thought "why happened to me?" Ertappst, expect God to make something good out of the situation, rather than to assume that you would just take his court.

think so and say it:

"God does not punish me. He is my father, and he made me inexpressibly sweet. I deserve punishment, but he has pardoned me.
If I encounter bad, I will not believe it is God's punishment. I will not believe that I would have lost his favor. His favor surrounds me like a tank.
His court passed upon the children of Israel, so he spared me because of the blood of Jesus. I expect God to do good every day, without end.
I accept his grace. Will accompany me day and night. No matter what life brings, I expect that God used for good. "


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